Upcoming Events

3-Day Body Class 

Beirut, Lebanon
July 28-30, 2024
Divorceless Relationships- Book Club Exploration

Online, Zoom

August 1-15, 2024
The Foundation

Beirut - Lebanon

August 15-18, 2024

Free Events

Global Energy Pulls

Join me monthly or bi-monthly for free Energy Pull sessions! Energy Pulls, as powerful tools of Access Consciousness® teach you to work with the universe and you learn how to move energy through the universe in different ways to rearrange the molecules to bring you what you desire. The language of energy is what you need to understand in order to create the life you desire. Whatever you are asking for to change, what you desire as your future, whatever it is you'd like in your life – let's create that with Energy Pulls!

30x30 Clearing Fiesta


Welcome to 30 Days of OUT OF CONTROL Clearing Fiesta with ME, Junaline!
What can you BE or DO to change things? What if you BEING YOU can change the world?
Hard to believe? Maybe... just maybe, you might be a control freak controlling everything in your life and therefore judging yourself for not creating the life you desire, the YOU that you'd like to BE?
I invite you to 30 days of saying an Access Consciousness verbal clearing process of being out of control. For 30 days, I will go on Facebook LIVE to say this clearing. The timings will be different on some days. It is a challenge for me too, and I'd like to see what we can change and co-create together with this magic!
What is a fiesta? It means "party" in Spanish. Well I'd like for us to have a clearing party and have fun doing this challenge together!


The Lies of Money - with Junaline Bañez-Moussi

What is your reality with money?

What are you defending for and or against and avoiding about MONEY that keeps you stuck in the misery?

What lies of money have you bought and believed as yours

Join me Junaline, for a FREE ZOOM conversation with some practical tools to bust all the lies about money and tools to have ease with money.


The Lies of The Body - with Junaline Bañez-Moussi

What is your reality with your body?

What lies of having a body have you bought and believed as yours?

Join me Junaline, for a FREE ZOOM conversation to bust all the lies about bodies.


The Lies of Relationships - with Junaline Bañez-Moussi and Roberto Moussi

What is your reality with relationships?

What lies of relationships have you bought and believed as yours?

Join me Junaline and my husband Robert, for a FREE ZOOM conversation to bust all the lies about relationships.


The Lies of Pain - with Junaline Bañez-Moussi

A conversation about PAIN.

What are all the points of views and judgments that we have about Pain?

If you’d like to know more about, click on the image.

The Top 7 Questions You Could Ask To Change Your Life - with Junaline Bañez-Moussi

A conversation about the Access tools and how these tools can change your life if you apply them.

If you’d like to know more about, click on the image.

What is Your reality with Your Body - with Junaline Bañez-Moussi

A conversation about the Access tools and how these tools can change your points of view about your body.

If you’d like to know more about, click on the image.

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And receive your free gift: Money & Abundance Energy Pull exercise.